Confidently Serve Your Clients In Need With The Easiest-to-use Case Management Software

Access information quickly to communicate with the community and other organizations, identify needs using an efficient method, and efficiently mobilize resources.





Manage all of your cases and assistance with ease in a single, centralized database

We’ve been uniting and engaging agencies with shared case management since 2006. Thousands of organizations are already working together with CharityTracker.

Use CharityTracker to:

Maximize your Care Through Collaboration

Do more with less! Seamlessly connect and collaborate with others nearby or within your organization to better manage your clients and resources. Know exactly who has been served and reduce the risk of duplicated efforts by 20% to ensure the right resources get into the right hands.

Cut your paperwork time in half  

Ditch the paperwork and store your information in one secure location. Securely upload files and documents directly to the client’s profile, and with our Digital Signature Capture, and go completely paperless with agreements, forms, releases, or anywhere signatures are required all in one database.

Make Reporting a Breeze

Take the guesswork out of the equation.  Measure your impact by creating and tracking outcomes. Through customizable assessments, you’re able to collect data that shows changes over time and stimulate a lasting impact to provide more funds being allocated to your organization. 

Trusted by ministries, churches, and organizations, CharityTracker lets you confidently serve clients in need without worrying about duplicating your services with other agencies.


Increase Funding

Showing impact and accountability to your board of funders


Instant Referrals

Connect individuals to other communities, nonprofits, and faith-based ministries for better health outcomes.


Change Lives & Track Programs

Track programs and assistance that move individuals from crisis to self-sustainability. Get insight into who has been helped and how much assistance has been provided to put an end to the cycle of poverty.


This software is very beneficial to our department and is used daily in our office to check on food pantry assists given as well as for new client information,” explained ministries director Loretta Y. “We use it every time someone applies for assistance to determine if they have already received their yearly allotment. CharityTracker enables our department to safeguard the effective use of our resources to meet the needs of our community. We can easily access information regarding how we have assisted a client in the past, as well as important information on the resources that have already been provided by other local agencies.”

Affordable pricing starting at just $20/month per user

You get a ton of value without breaking the budget.




$20 per month

  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Case Notes & Assistance
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Alerts & Bulletins
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Reports


$40 per month

  • CC-Pricing--Red-Plus Everything Included in Basic
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Measure Outcomes
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Upload Documents
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Set Goals With Follow-Up Dates


$60 per month

  • CC-Pricing--Red-Plus Everything Included in Plus
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Assessments
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Kiosk/Remote Intake
  • CC-Pricing--Gracy-Check Schedule Appointments

Learn more about why our trusted case management solution is already being used in over 2000 communities by requesting a free demo. 

The most affordable & approachable case management CRM

Start effectively tracking, measuring, and reporting your efforts in minutes. Gain the visibility you deserve and keep an eye on your organization to help your clients from anywhere.

The Salvation ArmyAustin Disaster Relief NetworkRaise Up FamiliesBoys & Girls Clubs of Americatrident-united-way

The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”

Join a community of over 20,000 users globally.

The Salvation ArmyAustin Disaster Relief NetworkRaise Up FamiliesBoys & Girls Clubs of Americatrident-united-way

The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”